Medical Tourism for Knee Surgery
“Rehab to Avoid Knee Replacement
Although knee replacement outcomes are very good if you can put off needing or avoid getting a knee replacement, that is preferred. Knee replacement longevity outcomes continue to improve but the current knee replacements last on average about 15 years. So what can be done to put off that surgery? Read on.
Goal 1) Improve your knee range of motion (ROM). Knee motion nourishes the joint’s articular cartilage so the greater your motion the greater area of articular cartilage nourished. This means flex (bend) your knee further and extend (straighten) more to stretch the knee capsule and musculature. But if you get bone on bone pain while stretching then stop that stretch. There is no stretching arthritis. Stretch your muscles too especially your quads, hamstrings, calf and iliotibial band.
Goal 2) Improve your leg strength focusing on your hip abductors, quads and hamstrings and your core, core core. We recommend avoiding unweighted leg extension exercises but rather do weight bearing exercises ie. ½ squats, thrusts, step-ups, leg press, lunges etc. Other good exercises are calf raises, hip abduction exercises and multiple core exercises.
In a nut shell, stay strong, stay flexible, stay active.”
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